clementine heart

my heart feels like a clementine beating, 
all that dimpled skin sheltering the tender
juice inside. I imagine the liquid bursting
out someday like a geyser–too much
pressure built up. the sound so loud

it bursts through my eardrums and I can feel
it deep within me. then I am in Yellowstone,
dreaming of my ancestors, getting high, hearing
the colors around me sway with the trees.

my heart is in harmony here besides a few
flickering geyser thoughts. I tell myself
get it together. why would you not stay
like this forever? one with the deer, one
with the leaves. one with the blah blah blah.

don’t you see that this is what it means to be
more than a body?
you are spiritual in human.
all that clementine weight really takes a toll
on you, huh? that’s alright, just don’t let it

become a geyser. someday you’ll appreciate
this, the contemplating and not knowing,
the ancestors and anxieties with their obsessions
and protections. and one day all this juice
talk won’t matter. it’ll be like it never did.


Write a poem centered in a location or place that you’ve never been before. Maybe that’s a famous landmark or city, maybe that’s a non-physical place, another dimension or realm or state of being. Somewhere you can research or imagine but have yet to visit. Think about what your speaker could do there, and brainstorm lots of options. Like the speaker of “clementine heart,” is your speaker getting high and contemplating? Or are they starting a fight, meeting a friend, noticing the natural world, etc. The possibilities are endless.

Amanda Conover is a writer based in Raleigh, NC who frequently discusses existentialism and spirituality. She’s the poetry editor for Carolina Muse Literary and Arts Magazine and is an MFA student at Arcadia University. Her poetry has appeared in places such as the lickety~split, Miracle Monacle, and the Atlanta Review.